



包含已在醫院檢查過的MMR=Measles麻疹 &Mumps腮腺炎& Rubella德國麻疹抗體證明~


並安排在Three Trimester的時候在醫院施打 TD=Tetanus破傷風&Diphtheria白喉


畢竟懷孕中在大醫院做這些項目~ 也讓我安心不少嚕!!



三月底回國的時候,聽說有這張證明我也不用經過身體掃瞄器說!好酷喲~ 到時要來試試看嚕!!



網路搜尋一下~檢查下目有這麼多!!!!!!!資料參考Newbreath's Blog

    • The shape and structure of your baby's head. At this stage severe brain problems, which happen very rarely, are visible. (腦部發展健全)
    • Your baby's face to check for a cleft lip. Cleft palates inside a baby's mouth are hard to see and are not often picked up. (是否有兔唇)
    • Your baby's spine, both along its length and in cross section, to make sure that all the bones align and that the skin covers the spine at the back. (脊椎骨骼發展,皮膚是否完整覆蓋)
    • Your baby's abdominal wall, to make sure it covers all the internal organs at the front. (腹腔是否涵蓋所有臟器,不是很懂@@... 講的很玄)
    • Your baby's heart. The top two chambers (atria) and the bottom two chambers (ventricles) should be equal in size. The valves should open and close with each heartbeat. (四個心室是否一樣大小,瓣膜隨著心跳一開一關)
    • Your baby's stomach. Your baby swallows some of the amniotic fluid that he lies in, which is seen in his stomach as a black bubble. (寶寶的胃)
    • Your baby's kidneys. The sonographer will check that your baby has two kidneys, and that urine flows freely into his bladder. If your baby's bladder is empty, it should fill up during the scan and be easy to see. Your baby has been doing a wee every half an hour or so for some months now! (兩個腎臟~尿液流進膀胱,並且小鬼現在每半小時在我肚子尿尿一次! =.= )
    • Your baby's arms, legs, hands and feet. The sonographer will look at your baby's fingers and toes, but not count them. (小手小腳,醫生會一隻一隻數給你看喲!)
    • As well as this detailed look at how your baby is growing, the sonographer will check the placenta, the umbilical cord and the amniotic fluid. (檢查胎盤位置、臍帶跟羊水)
    • It is possible to count the three blood vessels (two arteries and a single vein) in the umbilical cord, but your sonographer may not do this. It's not routine procedure. She will check to see that's there's enough amniotic fluid for your baby to move freely, though. (最好我可以數到臍帶的三條大血管啦!!搞笑....  最後確認羊水量是否足夠)
    • During the scan, the sonographer will measure parts of your baby's body, to see how well he is growing. The sonographer will measure your baby's: 
      • head circumference (HC)頭圍
      • abdominal circumference (AC)肚圍
      • femur or thigh bone (FL)臀骨
    • Most expectant women also find out the sex of their baby during this time! (大家最關心的性別~ 下星期就會揭曉啦!)





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